Test 3-Passage 3:Is the era of artificial speech translation upon us 纠错
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Once the stuff of science fiction, technology that enables people to talk using different languages is now here. But how effective is it?


Noise, Alex Waibel tells me, is one of the major challenges that artificial speech translation has to meet. A device may be able to recognise speech in a laboratory, or a meeting room, but will struggle to cope with the kind of background noise I can hear in my office surrounding Professor Waibel as he speaks to me from Kyoto station in Japan. I'm struggling to follow him in English, on a scratchy line that reminds me we are nearly 10,000 kilometres apart – and that distance is still an obstacle to communication even if you're speaking the same language, as we are. We haven't reached the future yet. If we had, Waibel would have been able to speak more comfortably in his native German and I would have been able to hear his words in English.

Alex Waibel告诉我,噪音是人工语音翻译必须面对的主要挑战之一。一种设备或许能够识别实验室或会议室里的语音,但它将难以应对我在办公室里听到的那种背景噪音,当时怀贝尔教授正从日本京都站对我讲话。我努力用英语跟上他的节奏,刺耳的声音提醒我,我们相距近一万公里——即使你和我们说的是同一种语言,这个距离仍然是交流的障碍。我们还没有到达未来。如果我们这样做了,威贝尔就能更自如地说他的母语德语,我也能听到他用英语说的话。

At Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, where he is a professor of computer science, Waibel and his colleagues already give lectures in German that their students can follow in English via an electronic translator. The system generates text that students can read on their laptops or phones, so the process is somewhat similar to subtitling. It helps that lecturers speak clearly, don't have to compete with background chatter, and say much the same thing each year.

在卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Waibel是一名计算机科学教授,他和他的同事们已经用德语讲课,学生们可以通过电子翻译器用英语听。该系统生成学生可以在笔记本电脑或手机上阅读的文本,所以这个过程有点类似于字幕。这有助于演讲者说话清晰,不必与背景闲聊竞争,并且每年讲的内容大致相同。

The idea of artificial speech translation has been around for a long time. Douglas Adams' science fiction novel, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, published in 1979, featured a life form called the 'Babel fish' which, when placed in the ear, enabled a listener to understand any language in the universe. It came to represent one of those devices that technology enthusiasts dream of long before they become practically realisable, like TVs flat enough to hang on walls: objects that we once could only dream of having but that are now commonplace. Now devices that look like prototype Babel fish have started to appear, riding a wave of advances in artificial translation and voice recognition.

人工语音翻译的想法已经存在很长时间了。道格拉斯·亚当斯(Douglas Adams) 1979年出版的科幻小说《银河系漫游指南》(The Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy)中,有一种名为“巴别鱼”的生命形式,把它放在耳朵里,听者就能听懂宇宙中的任何语言。它代表了一种技术爱好者在实际实现之前很久就梦想的设备,就像可以挂在墙上的电视一样:我们曾经只能梦想拥有的东西,现在已经司空见惯了。如今,借助人工翻译和语音识别技术的进步,看起来像巴别鱼原型的设备开始出现。

At this stage, however, they seem to be regarded as eye-catching novelties rather than steps towards what Waibel calls 'making a language-transparent society'. They tend to be domestic devices or applications suitable for hotel check-ins, for example, providing a practical alternative to speaking traveller's English. The efficiency of the translator is less important than the social function. However, 'Professionals are less inclined to be patient in a conversation,' founder and CEO at Waverly Labs, Andrew Ochoa, observes. To redress this, Waverly is now preparing a new model for professional applications, which entails performance improvements in speech recognition, translation accuracy and the time it takes to deliver the translated speech.

然而,在这个阶段,它们似乎被视为吸引眼球的新奇事物,而不是朝着威贝尔所说的“建立一个语言透明的社会”迈出的一步。它们往往是适合酒店入住的家用设备或应用程序,例如,提供了一种实用的替代说旅行者英语的选择。译者的工作效率不如其社会功能重要。然而,Waverly Labs的创始人兼首席执行长安德鲁•奥乔亚(Andrew Ochoa)说,“专业人士在谈话中不太愿意保持耐心。”为了解决这个问题,Waverly现在正在为专业应用准备一种新的模型,这需要在语音识别、翻译准确性和交付翻译语音所需的时间方面进行性能改进。

For a conversation, both speakers need to have devices called Pilots (translator earpieces) in their ears. 'We find that there's a barrier with sharing one of the earphones with a stranger,' says Ochoa. That can't have been totally unexpected. The problem would be solved if earpiece translators became sufficiently prevalent that strangers would be likely to already have their own in their ears. Whether that happens, and how quickly, will probably depend not so much on the earpieces themselves, but on the prevalence of voice-controlled devices and artificial translation in general.


Waibel highlights the significance of certain Asian nations, noting that voice translation has really taken off in countries such as Japan with a range of systems. There is still a long way to go, though. A translation system needs to be simultaneous, like the translator's voice speaking over the foreign politician being interviewed on the TV, rather than in sections that oblige speakers to pause after every few remarks and wait for the translation to be delivered. It needs to work offline, for situations where internet access isn't possible, and to address apprehensions about the amount of private speech data accumulating in the cloud, having been sent to servers for processing.


Systems not only need to cope with physical challenges such as noise, they will also need to be socially aware by addressing people in the right way. Some cultural traditions demand solemn respect for academic status, for example, and it is only polite to respect this. Etiquette-sensitive artificial translators could relieve people of the need to know these differing cultural norms. At the same time, they might help to preserve local customs, slowing the spread of habits associated with international English, such as its readiness to get on first-name terms.


Professors and other professionals will not outsource language awareness to software, though. If the technology matures into seamless, ubiquitous artificial speech translation, it will actually add value to language skills. Whether it will help people conduct their family lives or relationships is open to question – though one noteworthy possibility is that it could overcome the language barriers that often arise between generations after migration, leaving children and their grandparents without a shared language.


Whatever uses it is put to, though, it will never be as good as the real thing. Even if voice- morphing technology simulates the speaker's voice, their lip movements won't match, and they will look like they are in a dubbed movie. The contrast will underline the value of shared languages, and the value of learning them. Sharing a language can promote a sense of belonging and community, as with the international scientists who use English as a lingua franca, where their predecessors used Latin. Though the practical need for a common language will diminish, the social value of sharing one will persist. And software will never be a substitute for the subtle but vital understanding that comes with knowledge of a language.


Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A–F, below. Write the correct letter, A–F, in boxes 31–34 on your answer sheet.

  • A. but there are concerns about this.
  • B.as systems do not need to conform to standard practices.
  • C.but they are far from perfect.
  • D.despite the noise issues.
  • E.because translation is immediate.
  • F.and have an awareness of good manners.
Speech translation methods are developing fast in Japan
TV interviews that use translation voiceover methods are successful
Future translation systems should address people appropriately
Users may be able to maintain their local customs
正确答案: 31.C   32.E   33.F   34.B  







Is the era of artificial speech translation upon us
