Test 03-Passage 2:The Desolenator: producing clean water 纠错
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A   Travelling around Thailand in the 1990s, William Janssen was impressed with the basic rooftop solar heating systems that were on many homes, where energy from the sun was absorbed by a plate and then used to heat water for domestic use. Two decades later Janssen developed that basic idea he saw in Southeast Asia into a portable device that uses the power from the sun to purify water.

A   上世纪90年代,威廉·詹森在泰国旅行时,对许多家庭屋顶的基础太阳能供热系统印象深刻,太阳能被一块板子吸收,然后用于加热家用水。二十年后,詹森将他在东南亚看到的这个基本概念发展成为一种便携式设备,这种设备利用太阳能来净化水。



B   The Desolenator operates as a mobile desalination unit that can take water from different places, such as the sea, rivers, boreholes and rain, and purify it for human consumption. It is particularly valuable in regions where natural groundwater reserves have been polluted, or where seawater is the only water source available.

B   净水器作为一个移动式淡化装置,可以从不同的地方,如大海、河流、并眼和雨水中取水,并将其净化供人类使用。这在天然地下水储量已被污染的地区,或海水是唯一可用的水源的地区极具价值。

Janssen saw that there was a need for a sustainable way to clean water in both the developing and the developed countries when he moved to the United Arab Emirates and saw large-scale water processing. 'I was confronted with the enormous carbon footprint that the Gulf nations have because of all of the desalination that they do,' he says.




C   The Desolenator can produce 15 litres of drinking water per day, enough to sustain  a family for cooking and drinking. Its main selling point is that unlike standard desalination techniques, it doesn't require a generated power supply: just sunlight. It measures 120 cm by 90 cm, and is easy to transport, thanks to its two wheels. Water enters through a pipe, and flows as a thin film between a sheet of double glazing and the surface of a solar panel, where it is heated by the sun. The warm water flows into a small boiler (heated by a solar-powered battery) where it is converted to steam.

C   净水器每天可以生产15升饮用水,足以维持一个家庭的烹饪和饮水需求。它的主要卖点是,不同于普通的海水淡化技术,它不需要电源,只需要阳光。它的尺寸为120厘米X90厘米,因为有两个轮子,所以易于运输。水通过管道进入,并以薄膜形式在双层玻璃板和太阳能电池板表面之间流动,并在此处被太阳加热。热水流入一个小型锅炉(由太阳能电池加热),并在其中转化为蒸汽。

When the steam cools, it becomes distilled water. The device has a very simple filter to trap particles, and this can easily be shaken to remove them. There are two tubes for liquid coming out: one for the waste – salt from seawater, fluoride, etc. – and another for the distilled water. The performance of the unit is shown on an LCD screen and transmitted to the company which provides servicing when necessary.




D   A recent analysis found that at least two-thirds of the world's population lives with severe water scarcity for at least a month every year. Janssen says that by 2030 half of the world's population will be living with water stress – where the demand exceeds the supply over a certain period of time. 'It is really important that a sustainable solution is brought to the market that is able to help these people,'he says. Many countries 'don't have the money for desalination plants, which are very expensive to build. They don't have the money to operate them, they are very maintenance intensive, and they don't have the money to buy the diesel to run the desalination plants, so it is a really bad situation.'

D   最近的一项分析发现,全世界至少三分之二的人口,每年有至少一个月生活在严重缺水的状态。詹森说,到2030年,世界一半的人口将生活在缺水的环境中--在一定时期内水供不应求。他说:“将一个可持续的解决方案推向市场能够帮助到这些人,这一点非常重要。“许多国家没有钱来建造海水淡化厂,因为海水淡化厂的建造成本很高。他们没有钱来运行,设备的维护也非常繁重,他们也没有钱购买柴油来运行海水淡化厂,情况不是很理想。



E   The device is aimed at a wide variety of users – from homeowners in the developing world who do not have a constant supply of water to people living off the grid in rural parts of the US. The first commercial versions of the Desolenator are expected to be in operation in India early next year, after field tests are carried out. The market for the self-sufficient devices in developing countries is twofold – those who cannot afford the money for the device outright and pay through microfinance, and middle- income homes that can lease their own equipment. 'People in India don't pay for a fridge outright; they pay for it over six months. They would put the Desolenator on their roof and hook it up to their municipal supply and they would get very reliable drinking water on a daily basis,' Janssen says. In the developed world, it is aimed at niche markets where tap water is unavailable – for camping, on boats, or for the military, for instance.

E   该设备的目标用户范围很广--从没有持续供水的发展中国家家庭,到落后的美国农村地区人民。在进行现场测试之后,首批商业版净水器有望于明年年初在印度投入使用。发展中国家自给自足的设备市场由两部分组成---部分是那些无法负担得起设备价格并通过小额信贷支付的用户,另一方面是可以自己租赁设备的中等收入家庭。“印度人不会直接付钱买下冰箱,他们会分六个月支付。他们会将净水器放在屋顶上,然后将其连接到市政供水系统上,每天将获得非常稳定的饮用水。“詹森说。在发达国家,它的目标市场是没有自来水的小众市场,比如露营、船只或军事用水。



F   Prices will vary according to where it is bought. In the developing world, the price will depend on what deal aid organisations can negotiate. In developed countries, it is likely to come in at $1,000 (£685) a unit, said Janssen. 'We are a venture with a social mission. We are aware that the product we have envisioned is mainly finding application in the developing world and humanitarian sector and that this is the way we will proceed. We do realise, though, that to be a viable company there is a bottom line to keep in mind,' he says.

F   价格将根据购买地点而有所不同。在发展中国家,价格将取决于援助组织谈判达成的协议。詹森说,在发达国家,每台的价格可能会达到1,000美元(685英镑)。“我们是一家具有社会使命的企业。我们知道,我们所设想的产品主要是能够应用于发展中国家和人道主义部门中,这也是我们将继续进行的方向。不过,我们也清楚,要成为一家有生存能力的公司,必须牢记底线。“他说。



G   The company itself is based at Imperial College London, although Janssen, its chief executive, still lives in the UAE. It has raised £340,000 in funding so far. Within two years, he says, the company aims to be selling 1,000 units a month, mainly in the humanitarian field. They are expected to be sold in areas such as Australia, northern Chile, Peru, Texas and California.

G   公司本身总部位于伦敦帝国理工学院,尽管其首席执行官詹森仍居住在阿联酋。到目前为止,它已筹集了34万英镑的资金。他说,公司的目标是在两年内每月销售1,000台,主要用于人道主义领域。预计将在澳大利亚、智利北部、秘鲁、德克萨斯州和加利福尼亚州等地区销售。

Reading Passage 2 has seven sections, A–G.
Choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings below.

List of heading
  • A. Getting the finance for production
  • B. An unexpected benefit
  • C. From initial inspiration to new product
  • D. The range of potential customers for the device
  • E. What makes the device different from alternatives
  • F. Cleaning water from a range of sources
  • G. Overcoming production diffculties
  • H. Profit not the primary goal
  • I. A warm welcome for the device
  • J. The number of people affected by water shortages
正确答案: 14.C   15.F   16.E   17.J   18.D   19.H   20.A  







The Desolenator: producing clean water
