基础篇 — 剑桥真题 5 & 6
进阶篇 — 剑桥真题 7 & 9
高级篇 — 剑桥真题 8 & 10 & 11
Passage1:William Henry Perkin 查看详情>
Passage2:Is there anybody out there? 查看详情>
Passage3:The history of the tortoise 查看详情>
Passage1:The Impact of Hearing Loss on Young Children 查看详情>
Passage2:Venus in transit 查看详情>
Passage3:A neuroscientist reveals how to think differently 查看详情>
Passage1:Attitudes to language 查看详情>
Passage2:Tidal Power 查看详情>
Passage3:Information Theory- the big idea 查看详情>
Passage1:The life and work of Marie Curie 查看详情>
Passage2:Young children's sense of identity 查看详情>
Passage3:The Development of Museums 查看详情>