基础篇 — 剑桥真题 5 & 6
进阶篇 — 剑桥真题 7 & 9
高级篇 — 剑桥真题 8 & 10 & 11
Passage1:Why we need to protect polar bears 查看详情>
Passage2:The Step Pyramid of Djoser 查看详情>
Passage3:The future of work 查看详情>
Passage1:The White Horse of Uffington 查看详情>
Passage2:I contain multitudes 查看详情>
Passage3:How to make wise decisions 查看详情>
Passage1:Roman shipbuilding and navigation 查看详情>
Passage2:Climate change reveals ancient artefacts in Norway’s glaciers 查看详情>
Passage3:Plant 'thermometer' triggers springtime growth by measuring night-time heat 查看详情>
Passage1:Roman tunnels 查看详情>
Passage2:Changes in reading habits 查看详情>
Passage3:Attitudes towards Artificial Intelligence 查看详情>