考满分IELTS: 剑雅听力8Test4Section4


0 minutes 00:00
Listen and answer questions 31-40

Question 31-36

Drag answers form the box and write the correct letter next to the questions.
Australian Aboriginal Rock Paintings

Which painting styles have the following features?

31figures revealing bones31

32rounded figures32

33figures with parts missing33

34figures smaller than life size34

35sea creatures35


  • A. Dynamic

  • B. Yam

  • C. Modern

Question 37-40

Complete the table below:

Rainbow Serpent Projevt

Aim of project: to identify the used as the basis for the Rainbow Serpent

Yam Period

*  environmental changes led to higher 

*  traditional activities were affected, especially 

Rainbow Serpent image

*  similar to a sea horse

*  unusual because it appeared in inland areas

*  symbolises  in Aboriginal culture