考满分IELTS: 剑雅听力9Test1Section4


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Listen and answer questions 31-40

Question 31-33

Complete the table below:

Mass Strandings of Whales and Dolphins

Mass strandings: situations where groups of whales,dolphins,etc.swim onto the beach and die

Common in areas where the can change quickly

Several other theories:


e.g. Some parasites can affect marine animals' , which they depend on for navigation


Poisons from orare commonly consumed by whales

e.g.Cape Cod(1988)-whales were killed by saxitoxin

Question 34-40

Complete the table below:

Mass Strandings of Whales and Dolphins

Accidental Strandings

Animals may follow prey ashore,e.g.Thurston(1995)

Unlikely because the majority of animals were not when they stranded

Human Activity

from military tests are linked to some recent strandings

The Bahamas(2000) stranding was unusual because the whales

  -were all

  -were not in a

Group Behaviour

-  More strandings in the most species of whales

-  1994 dolphin stranding--only the was ill

Further Reading

Marine Mammals Ashore(Connor)--gives information about stranding